Muhammad Tanweer Abdullah
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Teaching Area
Selected Research
Prof. Dr. Muhammad-Tanweer Abdullah joined the Faculty of
Economics and Administration at King Abdulaziz University in
2010. His research focus is on health organization, systems
analysis, and medical social science. Dr. Abdullah is a
trainer and consultant in Health Systems Research, Hospital
Organization Analysis, HRM, and Systems Development. He is
currently on the Editorial Advisory Board of two
international journals: Leadership in Health Services and
Workplace Health Management.
His research has appeared in journals such as International
Journal of Health Planning and Management, Law and Society,
and Community Eye Health.
- PhD – Medical Social Science (Health Organization)
Lancaster University – UK, 2000
- MS – Management Science (by research)
Lancaster University – UK, 1992
- CPM – Project Management
Arthur D. Little MEI, Cambridge (Mass.) – USA, 1990
- MA – Public Administration
University of Peshawar – Pakistan, 1986
- BSc – Mathematics and Statistics
University of Peshawar – Pakistan, 1983
- Health Services Research
- Hospital Human Resource Management
- Organizational Development
- Health Planning
- Abdullah, Khadija and Abdullah, Muhammad-Tanweer
(2006), "Reaching out: A strategy for providing primary
eye care through the indigenous educational system in
Pakistan”, Community Eye Health Journal, 19(59):
- Abdullah, Muhammad-Tanweer, and Shaw, Jane (2007),
"A review of the experience of Public Hospital Autonomy
in Pakistan”, International Journal of Health
Planning and Management, 22: 45-62
- Abdul Majid, Abdullah, Muhammad-Tanweer, and
Muhammad Yasir (2011), "Organizational inertia and
change portfolio: An analysis of the organizational
environment in developing countries", African Journal
of Business Management, 5(2): 383-388
- Muhammad Yasir, Abdullah, Muhammad-Tanweer, and
Abdul Majid (2011),
"Coordination in Virtual Organization: A Strategic
Solution for Sustainable
Development", Asian Journal of Business Management,
3(1): 18-22.