Ala Eddin Ahmad
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Teaching Area
Selected Research
Dr. Ala Eddin Ahmad joined the Faculty of Economics and
Administration at King Abdulaziz University in 2011. His
research focus is on services marketing, and health services
marketing. Dr. Ahmad is also interested in patient
satisfaction researches.
- PhD - Marketing
University of Huddersfield – UK, 2007
- MSc – Business Administration/ Marketing
University of Baghdad– Iraq, 2000
- BSc – Health Services and Hospital Management
Amman University, Jordan, 1997
- Health Services Marketing
- Health Strategic Management
- Health Human Resources Management
- Marketing Research
- Ahmad, A; Barnes, B; Chakrabarti, R, (2010).
Competitive Environment and Hospital Performance: An
Empirical Investigation. Journal of Medical Marketing,
10 (April), 245-258
- Ahmad, A; Al-Zu’bi, H, (2011). E-Banking
Functionality and Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction: An
Empirical Investigation. International Journal of
Marketing Studies, 3 (1), 50-65
- Abu-Roman, A; Ahmad, A, (2012). The Impact of DTC
Advertising on the Patient-Physician Relationship: An
Empirical Investigation. International Journal of
Marketing Studies, 4(2)
- Abu-Roman, A; Ahmad, A, Al-Khatab, S, (2012). The
Relationship between INTSERVQUAL and EXTSERVQUAL in
Jordanian Restaurants. Journal of the Association of
Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, Egypt
Last Update
12/31/2014 9:14:10 AM